EYFS Framework – For The Best Way of Learning
The EYFS principles set standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. “EYFS Framework” supports an integrated approach to early learning and care.
Prime Areas of Development
Communication & Language
We provide a language rich environment, encouraging the children to speak and listen in a variety of situations. We provide extra support for those children who need to build confidence or develop their speaking skills
Physical Development
We give children opportunities to be active and to develop their co-ordination, control and movement. We also teach children about the importance of good hygiene habits, fresh air and healthy food choices
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
We support children in developing confidence and independence. We encourage them to begin to form positive relationships and respect for each other. Children learn about managing their own feelings and behaviours. We support the development of attention and concentration skills.
Specific Areas of Development
Children are given access to a wide range of books and stories to ignite their interest. They are encouraged to link sounds and letters, and early reading and writing is developed.
Children are provided with opportunities to develop their understanding and recognition of numbers, quantities and patterns. They are also given frequent opportunities to use shapes, spaces and measures within their play.
Understanding the World
We support children’s understanding of the world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about places, people, the environment and the natural world.
Expressive Arts & Design
Children explore a wide range of media and materials. They will experience a wide range of songs, rhymes, movement activities and stories.